Al Quds… The Harvest of Forty Years
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“All thanks and praise belongs to Almighty Allah the Creator, Nourisher and Sustainer of all the worlds. Peace and salutations on Prophet Muhammad (P.p.u.H), his family and friends and all those who follow him until the end of time. It is a tremendous honour and privilege for me to have been asked to write the foreword of this extremely important, beneficial and prestigious book namely “Al- Quds… The Harvest of Forty Years”. It depicts the 40 year old battle and struggle of the Palestinian people by way of chronologically documenting events and graphicaly ilustrating it. The issue of Palestine, al-Quds and Masjid al Aqsa is one that forms part of the very essence of a Muslim’s belief and purpose for his existence. The love, concern, reverence and affinity that Muslims have and feel for Palestine, Masjid al-Aqsa’s and the Palestinian people are things that have been edged and engraved in the hearts and minds of Muslims for many centuries and generations, and it will continue to enjoy this kind of status, reverence and importance until the end of time. For us as Muslims the thought of al-Aqsa without Muslims or Muslims without al-Aqsa is unthinkable and impossible to bear. We are and will continue to be inextricably linked to Palestine. The resolve, perserverance, commitment and dedication of the Palestinian people are traits to be admired and marveled at. As human beings firstly, and as Muslims it leaves us in awe of them.
This book is replete with information and undeniable facts of how the Israol Zionist Occupiers plotted and planned to system atically usurp and steal the Palestinian lands from its rightful inhabitants and owners from the year 1948 until present. Any human being, Muslim or not, if he reads this book and looks at all the facts contained in it, will come to the realization and conclusion that the Zionists’ motives are not realy religious as they claim. Rather it should be categorically stated that their motives are purely based on greed and their preoccupation with power.”