Guerrillas for Palestine
Guerrillas for Palestine

Guerrillas for Palestine

Riad el Rayyes and Dunia Nahas

Dağıtıcı: Partico Publications
Kitabın Önizlemesi


“Guerrillas for Palestine is an examination of the  commando phenomenon, and, more broadly, of the resistance movement as a whole. This book begins with a general account of the commandos’ emergence as a force in the Middle East conflict and moves to a description of the many groups, their various approaches to the problem and their relations with Arab and foreign states. The political apparatus of the resistance is treated in a separate section. The final section of the book gives profiles of the major personalities in the resistance movement.”

Kitap Künyesi

Yazar: Riad el Rayyes and Dunia Nahas
Yayın Evi: Partico Publications