Handbook on Protection of Palestinian Refugee in States Signatories to the 1951 Refugee Convention
Editors: Susan Akram and Nidal Al-Azza
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“The Handbook addresses problems and protection gaps facing Palestinian refugees who seek protection under the 1951 Refugee Convention and/or the 1954 Stateless Convention in third countries outside the Arab world. It aims to strengthen implementation of legal protection standards applicable to Palestinian refugees, in particular the rights embodied in Article 1D of the 1951 Refugee Convention.
The Handbook is intended to serve as a practical guide for refugee experts, lawyers, judges, UNHCR offices, national authorities, NGOs and others who are involved in asylum claims submitted by Palestinian refugees. The first edition was launched at the 2005 annual UNHCR NGO Consultations held in Geneva. In 2011 the Handbook was updated to include new cases relevant to the issues addressed in the publication. Building on the 2005 edition and the 2011 update, BADIL published a second edition of the Handbook in 2015.”