Partitioning Palestine
John Strawson
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“This book will no doubt irritate many Palestinians and Israelis – and their supporters. That is its intention. We cannot afford any more complacent legal pronouncements that delay Palestinian freedom or justify threats to Israel’s existence. Rather, we have to decide what we want to do with international law in the Palestinian–Israeli conflict. We need to eliminate the idea that international law sets a series of strict imperatives that must be followed. We have a choice which can press international law into service for both Palestinians and Israelis. If Partitioning Palestine has one message it is that law and justice cannot operate well without wisdom. International law needs to encode the wisdom of compromise that can aid both parties to attain their state on the basis of full equality and security. It is evident that the international community needs to resume its responsibilities to ensure that this happens. Palestinians and Israelis cannot afford any more sweeping victories or catastrophic defeats. “