The Israel/Palestine Question
The Israel/Palestine Question

The Israel/Palestine Question

Edited by Ilan Pappe

Dağıtıcı: Routledge London and New York
Kitabın Önizlemesi


The Israel/Palestine Question assimilates diverse interpretations of the origins of the Middle East conflict with emphasis on the fight for Palestine and its religious and political roots. Drawing largely on scholarly debates in Israel during the last two decades, which have become known as ‘historical revisionism’, the collection presents the most recent develop- ments in the historiography of the Arab-Israeli conflict and a critical reassessment of Israel’s past. The volume commences with an overview of Palestinian history and the origins of modem Palestine, and includes essays on the early Zionist settlement, Mandatory Palestine, the 1948 war, international influences on the conflict and the Intifada. “

Kitap Künyesi

Yazar: Edited by Ilan Pappe
Yayın Evi: Routledge London and New York