The Suffering of the Palestinian Prisoners & Detainees
Firas Abu Hilal
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“The Palestinian prisoners and detainees in the prisons of the Israeli occupation are being tortured and detained for months and years. Their families are being exhausted with waiting and longing for their loved ones. Their stories are live testimonies to the cruelty and inhumanity of the occupation. Palestinian prisoners are the real proof of the patience, steadfastness, bravery and pride of the Palestinian people.
This book, the fourth of its series, is based on the available data, such as Palestinian, Arab and International reports and information, in addition to the testimonies by the prisoners themselves. Al-Zaytouna Centre endeavors to present to its readers the full and complete picture of the suffering of the Palestinians under the Israeli occupation. It tries its best to address the hearts and minds with the most accurate, concrete and documented information.”