The Zionist Fingerprint on the Post- September 11 World
The Zionist Fingerprint on the Post- September 11 World

The Zionist Fingerprint on the Post- September 11 World

Dr. Ahmed Yousef

Dağıtıcı: UASR Publishing Group
Kitabın Önizlemesi


If this remarkable book reaches a large audience in America- as it should it will help bestir our fellow citizens to corrective – footprints that have appeared on the world scene since September 11, footprints that mean painful burdens for all Americans. He warns of the dangerous implications of an anti-terrorism campaign gone wild, especially as it restricts the civil liberties of people on the sole basis of national origin and leads to even more destructive foreign policy bias. He also reviews the techniques used by Israel’s US lobby to dominate the legislative process and intimidate officials in the executive branch. 

One of the great tragedies of the Zionist movement is the legacy of hate and bigotry it has spawned on both sides of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Suicide bombers have deepened the Israeli revulsion and fear of Palestinians, and almost all Palestinians know Jews only as pilots of helicopter gunships and tanks who inflict death, destroy homes and olive groves, and enforce endless misery. Readers will find Dr. Yousef’s litany astounding and troubling, but I believe his text will prompt an awakening to a truth that all Americans should accept: all people are equally deserving of justice and dignity, irrespective of race, religion, and nationality.”

Kitap Künyesi

Yazar: Dr. Ahmed Yousef
Yayın Evi: UASR Publishing Group