مواقف دول الطوق العربية من الصراع الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي
Moustafa Abdoussalam Abdoulcalil Zumat
Kitabın ÖnizlemesiHakkında
مواقف دول الطوق العربية من الصراع الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي (Arap Halkasının Filistin İsrail Çaışmasında Duruşu)
Positions of the Arab Front-Line States on the issue of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict 1993- 2001
This study tackled the change in attitudes of the surrounding Arab countries of Israel (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon) after signing Oslo Peace Agreement in 1993 till September 11 in 2001.
The researcher examined the most important stages from 1993-2003 in which it witnessed a lot of international and regional events that resulted in the change of policies of countries of the region in general and the surrounding countries of Israel in particular.
The study focused on the Palestinian- Israeli conflict and how each country of the fourth countries treated according to the development of the regional and international circumstances. The American-brokered Middle East peace process was mainly the focus of the study.
The study reviewed the impact of the progress in the peace process which was obvious in the positions of Egypt and Jordan that aim at supporting peace efforts in the region in order to reach an agreeable solution as an opposite to the Syrian-Lebanese peace track which was hurdled with obstacles to reach a settlement, particularly in the continuous Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan heights and the Lebanese Shiba’a Farms.
The historical analytical approach was utilized as it has the ability to analyze the internal, regional, and international aspects to reach its conclusions.
The study consists of seven chapters, including theoretical framework, literature review, and conclusion.
The study concludes that the Israeli occupation held responsible for deteriorating security in the Arab occupied territories, bogging down the Middle East peace process and its aftermath on the economic and social conditions.
The study also showed the double standard policy the American Administration pursuing in dealing with Arab issues, particularly the Arab- Israeli conflict. And that the Arab countries did not take the required measures needed in countering the challenges of the limitless American-backed Israeli continuous escalation.
The study recommended the need to activate the joint Arab action in order to complete the rehabilitation project and the need to improve the Arab League’s role as the title of Arab solidarity.
The study also emphasized the need to take advantage of the American relations with some Arab countries, which could influence the decision makers in the United States of America, and repair the bad image of Arabs that Israel is continuously trying hard to depict through the falsification of the facts.
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